Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Those darn classes

If you've been in the West Library the last couple of weeks, you may have noticed that a few times the computer lab in the library was closed for classes receiving library instruction. We realize this can be frustrating if you're trying to print out a paper right before class or need to use them for any other reason. While this situation may occur from time to time, it will happen less frequently after this week. Thanks for your patience with this issue.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Student Assistants

So far we have just one student assistant (albeit a highly talented and capable one) working for us at the West Library. If you are interested in a student assistant postion, and in particular are able to work some late-morning hours, please stop by our desk to pick up an application.

Monday, September 20, 2010


We finally have newspapers. We've started with our daily and Sunday subscription to the Wisconsin State Journal, so look for that when you're in the library. In addition to the WSJ, we will also get the Middleton Times-Tribune and Verona Press. You can also look for the weekly Isthmus and the Madison College newspaper The Clarion in our library.

Great, you say, you've got newspapers, so where are the magazines? Well, again we are a work in progress, and we won't have physical magazines until January. In the meantime, remember you can get to full-text articles through the library's subscription databases at

Speaking of news, yours truly will try to be better at posting more frequently so this blog has more of a news feel than a history book feel.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Getting there, a little at a time

Well, we're a couple of weeks into the semester and it's gone by like a blur. I promise to be better about posting more often. We're not a complete library yet, but we're getting there a little bit at a time. We've got a new copier, some more circulating and reserve books, some more supplies, and a new student worker. There's still a lot more to come and we'd love to hear from you about any suggestions you have for the library at